I’m a software engineer with a background in financial services. I'm passionate about using technology to further the way we connect with each other. My interests include artificial intelligence and mixed reality. I believe in making technology for social good and love working on products that are accessible and inclusive to everyone.
An Android app that enables a user to keep track of recipes of their favorite dishes.
Tech Stack: Kotlin, JetPack, Glide, Room, Palette, Retrofit, WorkManager
A single-page application for playing Sudoku online.
Tech Stack: TypeScript, React, Redux, styled-components, Jest
A single-page application that enables a user to search for restaurants, stores, and other venues within a geographic area and enables a registered user to make lists of their favorite places and view their locations on a map.
Tech Stack: React, Redux, Bootstrap, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Nodemailer, Yelp Fusion API, Mapbox API
An e-commerce store that enables a user to add and delete items to a persistent shopping cart and to checkout and pay using Stripe.
Tech Stack: React, Redux, Bootstrap, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, PayPal API
A single-page application that enables a user to buy stocks, keep track of their holdings in a portfolio, and see their transaction history.
Tech Stack: React, Bootstrap, Node.js, Express, PostgreSQL, Sequelize, IEX API
Reusable boilerplate code that enables a software developer to quickly create a REST API backend using the Flask micro framework, PostgreSQL database, and SQLAlchemy ORM.
Tech Stack: Flask, SQLAlchemy, PostgreSQL
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